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Environmental efforts

Environmental efforts

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Through continuous self-monitoring, energy-efficient solutions, and comprehensive environmental responsibility, we ensure that our operations meet high standards.

The ability to transport goods via the port is a key factor in our society’s sustainable development. By implementing a systematic environmental approach, we take responsibility for reducing our operations’ impact on the environment and ensuring long-term sustainable port operations.

Environmental regulations & compliance

Port of Piteå’s operations are subject to permits and extensive regulations related to our environmental and operational licenses. The conditions of these permits require us to continuously assess, monitor, and report on our activities and their environmental impact.

Our environmental responsibility

Our environmental permit outlines how we work to:

  • minimize emissions to air, land, and water
  • prevent pollution
  • reduce the consumption of energy-intensive resources

To ensure compliance with these requirements, we conduct extensive self-monitoring. This is a crucial part of our environmental efforts, allowing us to quickly identify and address any deficiencies before they lead to damage or incidents.

Ongoing environmental efforts

Our continuous environmental work enables us to evolve by implementing concrete measures to reduce our environmental footprint. Examples of actions we have already taken include:

  • shore power connections (6 kV electricity), reducing ship emissions at berth
  • electric mobile harbor cranes for more sustainable cargo handling
  • electric service vehicles within the port operations department
  • installation of LED lighting for energy-efficient illumination in the port

We are committed to making our entire operation fossil-free by 2030.

Monitoring & reporting environmental impact

The company applies a port fee structure with charges differentiated based on the environmental impact of maritime transport.
Monitoring, control, and reporting of our operations are compiled in an annual environmental report, which is submitted to the supervisory authority.