Photo: Maria Fäldt

Möt Port of Piteås driftavdelning

Möt Port of Piteås driftavdelning

Fem män iklädda varselväster står på en kaj i regnigt väder.

With broad responsibilities ranging from infrastructure maintenance to vessel services and safety inspections, the operations department plays a central role in the port’s activities.

Meet Fredrik, Alf, Pär, Robin, and Simon, the operations team at Port of Piteå. They are a vital part of the daily work that keeps the port running year-round, in all weather conditions. Their tasks include the repair and maintenance of gates, doors, and lighting, as well as the operation and upkeep of the port’s navigational aids, both on land and at sea, such as buoys and land-based signboards.

During the winter, snow clearing is a crucial part of their daily routine to ensure that operations remain accessible.

Responsible for the energy port and vessel services

The energy port is one of the operations team’s biggest responsibilities. They make sure that pipelines and safety checks are manned around the clock when ships are unloading and loading liquid products. The team is also in charge of vessel services at the dry cargo quay, where they supply ships with fresh water and ensure that transport and other services run smoothly. They also act as boatmen during ship arrivals and departures.

Close cooperation with the operator ShoreLink is also part of their daily work.

An efficient and safe port

Through their work, the operations team ensures that Port of Piteå remains an efficient and safe port, with a strong focus on both people and safety.

Fem män står på en kaj i hamnen. Alla fem har på sig varselkläder och tittar in i kameran.